I scurry by Eileen Fisher in the Prudential Building all the time and I have to confess, I've never been in until Blog and Tweet Boston had a fun little event there earlier this month. And since I'm trying to start transitioning into a place where I pay a little more for better quality clothes (and therefore have LESS...my dream of a walk-in closet doesn't seem to be happening)...they seemed like a good place to start.
First, these colors. I thought summer was never going to arrive in Boston. But here it is, and these colors...cool and flowing and subtle all at the same time.
We even had models show off a few of the pieces in the summer collection. Eileen Fisher uses organic fibers which are better for us, better for the people who make them, and better for the environment. Click here to learn more about their commitment to sustainability. First, these colors. I thought summer was never going to arrive in Boston. But here it is, and these colors...cool and flowing and subtle all at the same time.
And here's my favorite outfit of the night. I'd spill something on this in a hot second, but I love how it's monochromatic while still having a lot of depth:
And because scarves are always a good idea, here's a little EF tutorial: