Wednesday, April 23, 2014

:: rainy wednesday ::

I'm not complaining about the current downpour. Mainly because it's not snow and also because for once in my life I remembered to bring an umbrella for my morning commute. But it would be nice to get a little blast of vitamin D sometime in the near future.

In lieu of that, maybe some fun rainy day attire will suffice. I love this raincoat. And the umbrella. And these Chooka boots are a great alternative to the Hunters that are E V E R Y W H E R E. And that cute jewelry down there...I'm warming up to the mismatched earring trend. Especially if it can replace that one mismatched nail polish finger thing that I still see going on. Happy Wednesday!
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  1. Pretty rain boots and umbrella. I just discovered in the last few months how much I completely love wearing rain boots.
