Monday, March 24, 2014

:: a new breakfast obsession ::

My favorite little chocolate shop, Cocoanuts, is in the North End and not only do they have crazy good caramels and organic chocolate bars, but now I can also get my breakfast food there! Full disclaimer, I ate sushi for breakfast this morning, so really, ANYTHING is is fair game. But this is official breakfast.

Golden Girl Granola is local and delish and no one gave me anything to say that. And aside from it tasting good, here are a few more pluses:

- is whole-grain 
- uses all-natural ingredients
- is locally-produced, with locally-sourced ingredients, whenever possible
- is wheat-free, and is produced in a gluten-free kitchen
- is non-GMO
- is hand-crafted in small, artisan batches
- it's a family their story here

 And if you're like me and sometimes think that granola is just for milk or yogurt, definitely visit their website. They have a ton of recipes for putting it on/in dishes like pork chops, curried chicken and goat cheese. So I could basically just eat it three meals a day. 

I'm partial to the original flavor (coconut, honey and almonds), but there are quite a few others like Forest Maple (no coconut), Truly Tropical and Chocolate Decadence. Let me know if you try it!

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